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Monday, June 25, 2012

6th Bead Soup Blog Party

Yeah, I've decided to join in the 6th  Bead Soup Blog Party. I had so much fun last time, I simply wanted to play again. The exciting part is my partner Éva Kovács. Check out her blog EWA World of Pearls, at least that's how it translates as Éva lives in Hungary. I'm looking forward to gathering some soup for Éva to create something fun with. I'm looking forward to what she sends me, too. I'm especially interested to see how long it will take our packages to arrive.  


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Beading Babes Project 5

I've been quiet as far as my blog goes, but I have been busy beading. I recently joined the Beading Babes, and online beading group. I've made the two projects for this round. Both are by designer Helena Tang-Lim and both incredibly easy to make. 

As always the most time consuming part of any project is locating the necessary pieces and choosing the colours. I found some coin shaped beads at Yashmacreations.
My first choice were perhaps a tad smaller than the pattern suggested, but turned out to 
be a little more difficult to find tila beads I was happy to pair them with. So they're sitting awaiting another
project for now. Anyway, I've really happy with how my necklace turned out - below.

The other piece was an easy and fast project to make up. I love how satisfying that was. It really does tempt me to make it in many other colours. Here's the image of my version of the Four Leaf Clover Cuff - below.

I hope you enjoy viewing these pieces. Please take the time to look at the other pieces created by the other Beading Babes.
