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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Designer Quest 26 - Eureka Beads

Don't you hate it when you leave things to the last minute? I tend to do that more often than I should. For the 26th Designer Quest, organised through the Beading Forum and sponsored by Eureka Beads, I had my design in mind for some time. I collected a few extra supplies, as you do whenever a new project presents itself. But when I pulled the lovely kit together with my supplies and idea, well, it just didn't work. The big ceramic beads were simply too big for me to pull it off.

I lumped all the kit beads on the centre of my working area and played and moved and tried to think. Finally I came up with one design, but realised I had no matching crimps. Another visit to the bead shop was required. I sat down on Friday night to make up the first necklace and force my hand to design something with the remaining beads, but the crimps had been left out of my bead shopping bag and weren't even on the receipt.

Saturday meant another visit to the bead shop, where I actually only purchased the brass toned crimps. I was amazed, too. After lunch I kind of fiddled and faddled and came up with the second design. It doesn't actually sit quite right, but hubby and son didn't notice, so it was good enough. I snapped photos on top of the washing machine and got them posted to the competition thread. Big sigh of relief.

So, here they are:

Wilma's Favourite
Wilma's Favourite photo necklace1.jpg

Tribe Eureka
Tribe Eureka photo necklace2.jpg



  1. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.

  2. Hi, Really great effort. Everyone must read this article. Thanks for sharing.
